Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Time to Bake

Headphones-Discount store, decoupaged with Kitty Deathhead mark
Vest- Passports
Shirt- George
Boots-Dolce Vita

Despite the expression on my face, I would like to assure you that I had a lovely day. I baked some cookies,  updated my comic, watched part of my favorite Christmas movie... good times.

Friday, December 2, 2011


As fabulous as I am, a blog does require a little bit more than daily photos of what some random girl who owns a lot of black clothing. So, I’m going to start actually talking about fashion. On a fashion blog. Who would have expected that?

And, as a fashion blog, there is no way I’m going to escape talking about this at some point, so I might as well get this subject over with: Uggs.
I know, I know, everyone who is even vaguely aware of current fashion has at some point either worn a pair of Uggs or made fun of someone wearing Uggs. You don’t want to hear “These are some stupid looking boots” one more time. But you’ve got to understand something. This isn’t just a new fad to me. This is something I grew up with, and something I never expected to get popular.
As long  as I can remember, my mother has looked very much the same. She’s gotten grayer in recent years, the grey racing stripes in dark blonde hair turning into white stripes in gray hair. I have great hopes for getting a silver stripes at one point, but given my tendency to dye my hair, I doubt that it will really be noticeable. I’ve always said, if you dye your hair blue and purple, then no one will be able to tell when you turn gray. Then again, this is usually avoided unless one has excellent job security. Although it is very difficult to fire a housewife or an ecumenical speaker, my mother has never taken me up on my offer to help her dye her racing stripes purple, and her appearance remains unchanged.
    Striped hair drawn into a bun, a long-sleeved blouse and a long peasant skirt, usually with trim at the bottom. Then, striped cotton stockings in the colors of the blouse and skirt, and a pair of uggs. The end result is that my mother looks something like either Mrs. Claus or a lawn gnome. That doesn’t sound very flattering. She pulls it off, in a sort of an old-world sweet old lady sort of way.  It’s hard to look particularly ethnic when one is sort of English and mainly really,  really white; but she manages. The only other person I ever saw wearing Uggs until I was eighteen years old was Conan the Barbarian. Of course, in my terribly intricate child mind this did not mean that my mother dressed like Conan, but that Conan dressed like my mother. Perhaps that’s why I was never that impressed with him. Or maybe it was because I was exposed to more of the comics and movies and less of the books, I don’t know. So if these boots could make Conan look like a sweet little old lady, imagine what happened when they became a fad for young girls.
    Young girls with implausible tans, bleached hair, thin, dark eyebrows, tiny little shorts and my mother’s boots. I first noticed them  in Boston when my father was in the hospital, usually wearing a large down jacket or vest to make up for their lack of pants. Now, I’m not about to give someone a hard time for the small shorts big boots look. Combat boots and cutoffs are a classic, less than practical combination. But combat boots are actually shaped like feet. I’m sure, that to the daughters of soldiers, seeing me wear their father’s boots is just as confusing as me seeing them with my mother’s.
    Sometimes, to complete the “Sweet little old lady” look, you will see these boots with the sheepskin accented in folksy embroidered designs or replaced with cable knitting. I appreciate a good sweater as much as the next girl, in fact probably more than some, but I do not claim to understand the thought process between combining Conan the Barbarian and knitting. Maybe he saved some sheep on the Isle of Wight, and the farmers made him some nice boot cozies to say thanks.
    I will not even broach the subject of the Uggs covered in gold sequins, because when I look at them and try to understand what I am seeing, my eye starts twitching and my mind shuts down completely. Perhaps my mind simply cannot grasp the magnificence of the golden Uggs or why Jason thought that was a good idea.
    But my mother seems to like the sparkles.

Changing Times, Changing Clothes

Due to the utter chaos of being a member of a very small con staff, I'm afraid that I didn't get daily shots for the two weeks of "con prep, con, holiday, con". 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Singular Adventure of Seamstress.

Watch- I can't find who makes it, but you can buy a similar one here.
Boots-Dolce Vita

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to freeze your shoulders

Turtleneck- Bonjour
Armsocks-Hot Topic (They started life as socks)
Jeans-Faded Glory
Leave them bare in November. Gah, that was stupid.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Guy Fawkes Day

Hat- Hot Topic
Badge- Nancy Buttons 
Headphones-Discount store, decoupaged with Kitty Deathhead mark
Skirt-Sisrgis Sari Angelo
Leggings- OP

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Disregard companions, acquire Galliefrey.

I am currently wearing a scarf which is twenty-one feet long.
Tom Baker's was eighteen feet long.

Honestly, my neck was cold and it was the first one I found.  

You jelly, baby?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Donated blood

Also, dyed my roots purple.
Whistle-Gift, similar ones can be bought in sporting goods
Turtleneck- Bonjour
Jeans-Faded Glory

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Burton's next heroine.

Gloves-Costume Store
Vest- Passports 
Shirt- George


Boots-Dolce Vita

I do so love crisp fall days.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Eighties-I'm doing it wrong.

legwarmers-Wal mart
Heels- Earth Spirit

Serious business.

In the past few weeks I've been paying more attention to my productivity and less to my blog, which is why I am lunging toward the camera in a pose only explained by the need for a reference picture.

Which makes the fact I'd redraw that bottom if I drew it all the stranger.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pagan Pride

 Hat- Hot Topic
Badge- Nancy Buttons
Skirt-Sisrgis Sari Angelo
Garter Belt- Target
Fishnets-Hot Topic

I'm so glad it's cool enough I can wear my wool skirt again.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pagan Pride

 Toward the end of the day I had one of those hysterical fits that reminds me I actually am nuts. But it did make my eyeliner run in a cool way. That's why I included a close up of my face. For a full account of my hysteria, please check my livejournal.

Stockings-Hot Topic

By the way, I think this is my first post with my new sweatshirt. Isn't that an awesome thing? It fits just like a normal jacket, but it's lighter and perfect for taking on and off all day in early fall.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

 Bows-Rite Aid
Shirt-Miley Max
Tights- I'm not sure, but similar ones can be bought at Guess
Boots-Dolce Vita

I could see this passing as causal lolita, but I'm not going to tag it as such.

Monday, August 15, 2011


It's a pity I only got two pictures of myself in garb. I do dress well at pennsic, even if I rarely got around to dressing my hair.

It's so weird to see myself wearing color.

Bog dress- Handmade
Brooches-Calontir Hat Lady


I need to make an anglo-saxon purse. That late period pouch just looks ridiculous.
You didn't notice, did you?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don't sit on the sewing table.

Dress-Tagless, but a similar one can be found at Dharma
Cincer- Deb

I like this picture. I might use it as a new profile picture.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

By the way, I hate summer.


Goggles- Global Vision
Red Dress-Faded Glory
Black dress- Faded Glory
Suspenders- Hot Topic
Shirt- Maliey Max

Long Shorts-Faded Glory
I feel that I should explain what is going on in the center picture. Some days I forget to take the daily picture entirely, and some days I just happen to take one, not for the blog, but as a reference for a drawing. You will recall this terrifying expression. Perhaps in your nightmares.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tips for the trashy.

If you can't stop your bra straps from showing, at least make sure they match.

Tank-Faded Glory

Suspenders- Hot Topic
Long Shorts-Faded Glory

Shoes- Converse

Not fishing for compliments or anything, just comparing this picture to previous ones and making an observation: I look like shit today. Nothing wrong with the outfit, I just look ill. Stupid heat.

A secondary tip for the trashy: Don't look trashy. This is me trying to get work done while overheated. My clothes still coordinate, they are clean, and the average amount of skin is covered. It's not hard.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I feel cool.

I just think this is an extremely cool summer outfit. Maybe it's because I look like an anime character.
Goggles- Global Vision
Red Net Shirt- Garment District
Red Fishnets- Garment District

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Bodice-Potted Fox
Skirt-Hand me down
Chemise- Honestly I have no idea where this came from.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Trying to get back in the swing of things.

Red Goggles- Global Vision
Dress-Tagless, but a similar one can be found at Dharma
Boots- Demonia  

Sorry that I've been neglecting this blog, but there isn't really much that can be said for it. I could be putting alot more effort into it than I am, talking about fashion and such. The thing is, much of my style is DIY, and therefore the only sensible thing is that I put more How-To posts, like the cropped vest.

Also, I cleaned my closet yesterday, so I will be wearing more dresses in the future.

To anyone who is reading this, feel free to comment on anything you'd like to see more of in this blog. More talking about the clothes, where they were found or how they were made; less talking about the clothes, close ups of details on the outfits. Something else I was thinking of trying, later, was a closetplay week.

As we all know, cosplay is when you make a costume to look like a particular character; preferably assuming that character, however briefly, at a convention. Closetplay is when you pull together that costume out of things you had lying around (like Misa). I was thinking of trying to do an entire week of closetplay as what I just happened to be wearing that day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

More green

Shirt- Dreamworks
Skirt- Handmade
Stockings- Basketman

It is damn near impossible to find a good skirt in stores these days. Or any skirt at all. The answer of course, is to make a skirt.
This particular one is of an incredibly simple design, given that I just threw it together one morning when I realized that I didn't have any clean skirts.
A rectangle about a foot long and a five inches more than my waist wide, with an elastic in the top. A monkey could make it. Given that particular monkey had a sewing machine.

I, however, would have done it faster.

Probably the only thing that I would do faster.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Not a sports team.

Someone asked me if I was dressed for a sports team. They mentioned it, I think it was Bruins, and I don't think their color is green. I'm not sure. How would I know?
shirt-Discount store
Shoes- Converse

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Heat makes for slow posting.

 Frankly, I only took the first picture because I needed reference for a drawing.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just this dress again

With jeans.

  Shirt- Joann's
Jeans-Old Navy
Gloves-Hot Topic