Friday, April 9, 2010

Watched too much Big Bang Theory last night.

Ears- Cosworx
Falls- Hot Topic
Choker- Agway 
Net Shirt- Bond Street
Shirt- Faded Glory
Gloves- Hot Topic
Bracelets- Hot Topic
Cincer- Deb
Belt- Five Below
Buckle- Fun Buckles 
Suspenders- Hot Topic
Jeans-Old Navy

Boots- Demonia 

So today while I was dressing I had a running dialog from the cast of Big Bang theory evaluating my outfit and my reasons for wearing it. According to Sheldon, the red symbolizes virility and the black sexuality, which is always a very important thing to consider in displayed plumage. He went on to say this was important because I was likely to encounter a young woman who "had recently been chosen by a young man apparently very appealing in your subgenre and it will throw her off her guard to display that he had chosen incorrectly and you are, in fact, the preferable mate" Penny came to a similar conclusion with less words with "You've got a nicer ass. Wear tight pants, it will make her uncomfortable, and at this point making her squirm is pretty much all you can do." Walowitz moved that I wear the net shirt, but I went against his wishes I wore something over it.
Raj didn't say anything so I guess I must look good.

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