Saturday, April 24, 2010

Like you're looking at my boots.

Net shirt- Handmedown, I think it was bought at Hot Topic or a costume store
 Cincer- Deb
Skirt- Princess

Fishnets-Same as shirt
Gloves- Hot Topic
Spankies-Walmart (You cannot see them in this shot, but I am definitely wearing them.)
Boots- Demonia

I made far too many hooker jokes today, but once I had put on my makeup, it was clear I was just a goth in a very tight skirt.

A fellow at the psychic fair said he used to work as a bouncer at Manray's, and that there was a good deal of people (he said posers, as if real goths didn't do the same thing) followed pretty girls like me into clubs, in the hope of seeing more pretty girls and maybe actually talking to one, and that he would definitely follow me into a club. Only a little creepy.
One more reason I do not go to nightclubs.

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