Thursday, April 29, 2010


Tank- Faded Glory
Armsocks- Hot Topic
Sweater-Funky Diva
Boots- Demonia

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I keep forgetting how much I like skirts.

Hat- Hot Topic
Badge- Nancy Buttons
Shirt-Faded glory
Vest- Tripp
Skirt-Sisrgis Sari Angelo
Stockings- Target
Boots- Demonia

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Practical. I'm gonna make you practical...

But not as practical as me.

Collar- Agway
Shirt- Faded Glory
Belt- Five Below
Buckle- Fun Buckles
Jeans- Faded Glory
Boots- Demonia

No chains, no hanging straps, no gloves or vest I'd need to take on and off all day while I sewed. I keep thinking of the chain on my coat being strung between my bracers and through the loop on my collar. But I'm not that kind of goth.

Monday, April 26, 2010

It's boobquake day.


And this is pretty much what I've got for boobs.

Choker- Agway
Armsocks- Hot Topic
Suspenders-Hot Topic
Shorts-Jordache (the rest of the pants are my vest)
Shoes- Converse

I was wearing my hat and vest earlier, but Willow was having none of it and refused to leave the house with me until I looked less like "the hard gay"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sewing today.

Coat-Handmade by me

Using that coat as a pattern, so it's going on and off and on and off all day.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Like you're looking at my boots.

Net shirt- Handmedown, I think it was bought at Hot Topic or a costume store
 Cincer- Deb
Skirt- Princess

Fishnets-Same as shirt
Gloves- Hot Topic
Spankies-Walmart (You cannot see them in this shot, but I am definitely wearing them.)
Boots- Demonia

I made far too many hooker jokes today, but once I had put on my makeup, it was clear I was just a goth in a very tight skirt.

A fellow at the psychic fair said he used to work as a bouncer at Manray's, and that there was a good deal of people (he said posers, as if real goths didn't do the same thing) followed pretty girls like me into clubs, in the hope of seeing more pretty girls and maybe actually talking to one, and that he would definitely follow me into a club. Only a little creepy.
One more reason I do not go to nightclubs.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Behold the coke

 Hat- Hot Topic
Badge- Nancy Buttons
Choker- Agway
  Tie-Wild Ties

Dress-Faded Glory
 Cincer- Deb
Boots- Demonia

Thursday, April 22, 2010

And yet, I'm not.

Vest- Tripp
 Undershirt- George
Belt- Five Below
Buckle- Fun Buckles  
Suspenders- Hot Topic
Jeans-Old Navy
Boots- Demonia

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I bet you're getting sick of punk.

Belt-Five Below
Buckle-Fun Buckles
Shoes- Converse

Hat-Hot Topic
 Gloves-Dollar store
Belt-Five Below
Buckle-Fun Buckles
Skirt-Sisrgis Sari Angelo
Stockings- Wal Mart
Boots- Demonia

Monday, April 19, 2010

Groggy morning.

 Hat- Hot Topic
Badge- Nancy Buttons
Shirt-Faded Glory 
Skirt- Handmade by Me (Kitty's Pretties)
Socks- Hot Topic
Ballet Flats-Normana Kamal

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I know my blacks don't match.

Armsocks- Hot Topic
Jeans-Faded Glory
Shoes- Converse

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Went to a pyschic fair.

Hat- Hot Topic
Badge- Nancy Buttons
Choker- Agway
Shirt-Faded Glory
Gloves-Dollar Store
Cincer- Deb
Boots- Demonia

I nearly fell asleep there. But I didn't feel restful.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm a rock star!

Or not.

Choker- Agway
Shirt-Hand me down with a torn out collar
Cincer- Deb
Boots- Demonia 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh, crap; a metal dector.

 Vest- Tripp 
Undershirt- Target
Gloves-Dollar Store
Bracelets-Hot Topic
Belt- Five Below
Buckle- Fun Buckles
Wallet/Chain- Spencers
 Jeans-Faded Glory
Boots- Demonia

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The vest I made yesterday

Hat- Hot Topic
Badge- Nancy Buttons
Choker- Agway 
Vest-Handmade by me
Shirt- Faded Glory
Gloves- Old Walmart fishnets cut to shreds
Cincer- Deb
Suspenders- Hot Topic
Boots- Demonia  

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Special How-to Post! Cute vest and shorts.

Crop vest and cutoffs
This is a really easy project, it should only take a few hours and the effect is a very cute outfit for hot weather.

You will need:
First, find an old pair of jeans, or a new pair you don't mind tearing to pieces.
A china marker, chalk, or whatever you like to mark fabric with
A sewing machine

A rotary mat and cutter are not strictly necessary, but will make cutting the vest out so much easier.

The Shorts

Step One
Decide where you're going to cut the legs off. I cut mine off pretty high, but you don't need to do it that way. You will want at least half of the thigh to make the vest out of.

Step Two
Mark on one leg where you want your shorts to end. You only need to do this on one leg for now. I put on the pants and marked where I wanted them to end with a china marker. It helped me visualize just how short they were going to be. You'll want to mark the front and the back of the leg for this. It may only mean the difference of one inch from the front to the back, but it's an inch you'll want, especially if the shorts are short enough that underbutt is an issue.
Add about half an inch for adjustment when the legs are off and you realize despite my anal instructions on how to cut the legs evenly and your attention to detail, they still aren't even.

Step Three

Cut off the leg you've marked. 
Step Four
Fold the pants over, front sides touching, and mark the cutting line for back of the pants. If your shorts are the same in front and back, you can skip step five.

Step Five
Fold the pants over the other way, so the back pockets are touching, and mark the cutting line to make both legs match.

Step Six
Cut the other leg off.

The Vest

If you already have a vest you like the cut of, you can use that as a pattern. That's what I did.
If you do not have a vest to base the new one off of, you'll have to make a pattern and that's a pain in the ass.

Step One
If you have a vest you can use as a pattern, skip to step five. Remember the seam allowance.

Step Two
To size the vest to yourself, measure yourself around the widest part of your torso. This will be your breasts if you're a woman. If you're not a woman, you're going to look fabulous in your vest and booty shorts. Divide this chest measurement into four.
This number is now X. Don't tell me you've forgotten Algebra already.

I'm making my vest about fourteen inches long, but if you want a longer vest then add a few inches onto the bottom of pieces A, B, C, and D. As long as you add the same amount to each piece, it will come out even. We're going to call the fourteen inch measurement Y, because you might be going a little longer or a little shorter. Just a measuring tape up to your chest to help you decide how long you want it.

Step Three

Lay out the shapes in the above diagram. E should be cut last and made out of the scraps.
Put as many bottom hems as you can fit on the hem from the pants legs. You'll want to start with D, then do C, then B, then A, because you're more likely to see the hem in front. Unless, of course, the hem of the jeans is torn up and not worth looking at anymore, in which case cut it off.

A-Cut one
B- Cut two, facing opposite directions
C- Cut two, facing opposite directions
D- Cut Two
E- Cut one, unless you feel a deep need to face the collar
F- Cut one

A- Back
B- Back Side
C-Front Side
D- Front
E- Collar
F- Back shoulder

Step Four
Lay the shapes seen in the pattern out on your fabric. If you lay the front sections out with the centers along the seam in the center of the fabric, it will look neat and tailored and make fitting your chest easier.

Step Five
Pin the pieces together like in the diagram. The collar isn't attached yet, but I thought you'd appreciate knowing you still needed it.
Remember to pin it together inside out.

Step Six
Sew all that up.

Step Seven
Hem the collar.

Step Eight
Sew the shoulders together.  

Step NineFold the collar and the vest in half to find their centers, then pin the center to the center. There will be vest left over in the front, that's going to become your lapel.
Sew that up.

Step Ten
Fold over the lapels and hem to taste.

Step Eleven (optional)

Put a pair of darts in the front, under the breasts to make the cut more feminine. This can be done by putting the vest on, folding in the fabric under the breasts and pinning it in place. Then replace the pins with stitches.

You can add buttons or a zipper if you like, I put safety pins in the lapels to keep them flat. And because it looked cool.

In which there is too much cleaning.


Shirt- Joann's
Gloves- Dollar Store
Jeans- Old Navy
Platforms: X²B

It seems very strange that I am happy about the fact there is sunlight in my bedroom.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

  Choker- Agway 
Net Shirt- Bond Street
Bodice-Potted Fox
Gloves- Hot Topic
Bracelets- Hot Topic
 Belt- Five Below
Buckle- Fun Buckles 
  Skirt-Sisrgis Sari Angelo
Stockings- Wal Mart
Boots- Demonia 

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today I went down to Boston to see a friend's recital.

Cravat- Handmade (Kitty's Pretties)
Shirt- 16
Coat- Tripp
Skirt- Beauty Fiend
Petticoats- Costume stores
 Stockings- Hue

A woman grabbed my arm in the street to tell me she liked my stockings. I yelped.

I tried to convince my hair I had bangs today. From the waist up, I looked like what I think boys should look like, but with breasts.
I am aware I will be disappointed looking for these men.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Watched too much Big Bang Theory last night.

Ears- Cosworx
Falls- Hot Topic
Choker- Agway 
Net Shirt- Bond Street
Shirt- Faded Glory
Gloves- Hot Topic
Bracelets- Hot Topic
Cincer- Deb
Belt- Five Below
Buckle- Fun Buckles 
Suspenders- Hot Topic
Jeans-Old Navy

Boots- Demonia 

So today while I was dressing I had a running dialog from the cast of Big Bang theory evaluating my outfit and my reasons for wearing it. According to Sheldon, the red symbolizes virility and the black sexuality, which is always a very important thing to consider in displayed plumage. He went on to say this was important because I was likely to encounter a young woman who "had recently been chosen by a young man apparently very appealing in your subgenre and it will throw her off her guard to display that he had chosen incorrectly and you are, in fact, the preferable mate" Penny came to a similar conclusion with less words with "You've got a nicer ass. Wear tight pants, it will make her uncomfortable, and at this point making her squirm is pretty much all you can do." Walowitz moved that I wear the net shirt, but I went against his wishes I wore something over it.
Raj didn't say anything so I guess I must look good.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Long Con is long

Undershirt- George
Dress- Dharma
Coat- Handmade by me
Stockings- Target
Boots- Candies'

 Shirt- Deb
Skirt- Handmade by Me (Lolikats)
Shoes- George

Clip-in Hair- Amphogory
Shirt-Possibly Renfair
Vest- Passports

I also wore the Steampunk lolita.