Hello ladies. And hello gentlemen, as well. Look at your man, now look at me. Now back at your man, now back at me. Sadly, he isn't me. But if he traveled through space and time conning strangers and sleeping with them, he'd have the same profession as me.
What's that around your wrist? I have it. It's a device for capsuleless time travel. Anything's possible when no one wants to hurt you and they couldn't if they tried.
I'm on a bomb!
A goth-punk-lolita's daily fashion blog. Who needs fashion when one has style?
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Companion Closetplay-Amy Pond
I wondered what was up with the scarf until I put this outfit on, then I realized why you would wear a scarf in high temperatures. Then I soaked it.
I also tried to make a silly face at the camera, as we see her doing this when faced with cameras (you know, the myspace face. Like the duck face, but not so extreme), but then my hair hit me in the face and I knew exactly how toolish I as being.
"I was expecting Rio!"
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Companion Closetplay-Stephen Taylor
With a gun in one hand and a cuddly mascot in the other, this man is here as a combination voice of reason and strongarm.
I just imagine the Doctor, Dodo and Stephen landing on a planet, looking as motley as any TARDIS crew and announcing that they are here to save everyone. Heaven help the planet.
"I forgot my mascot!"
I just imagine the Doctor, Dodo and Stephen landing on a planet, looking as motley as any TARDIS crew and announcing that they are here to save everyone. Heaven help the planet.
"I forgot my mascot!"
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Companion Closetplay-Ben Jackson
Remember when I said I didn't have a cockney sailor in my closet? The fact is, I didn't check because Ben wasn't in the closet bout being a Duchess-Sexual. I forgot, however, that he is still a sailor.
"You alright there, Duchess?"
Monday, June 25, 2012
Companion Closetplay- Sarah-Jane
"Call me old girl again... and I'll spit in your eye."
I described this as being attacked by the seventies, and then the other kind of seventies attacked, so off came the vest.
I attempted, several times to add the appropriate sweep to my hair with the curling tongs. My hair rebelled.
I attempted, several times to add the appropriate sweep to my hair with the curling tongs. My hair rebelled.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Companion Closetplay- Polly
“You’re not turning me into a fish!”
Can I just take a minute here to say how much I love Polly? She just strikes me as a really fun girl to have around and she was a great companion.
I know I’m missing a key accessory, but I didn’t have a cockney sailor in my closet. I have a hard time thinking of Ben and Polly as separate entities.
Can I just take a minute here to say how much I love Polly? She just strikes me as a really fun girl to have around and she was a great companion.
I know I’m missing a key accessory, but I didn’t have a cockney sailor in my closet. I have a hard time thinking of Ben and Polly as separate entities.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Companion Closetplay-Rose Tyler
I actually bought this skirt to do Amy, but it will serve.
I had a different outfit in mind for Rose; a hoodie, jeans and pinkish t-shirt, but it's too damn hot for that. As it is way too hot to wear the blond wig. So...
In three minutes, Queen Victoria will tell me that you're 'naked'. We wouldn't want to make a liar out of the queen, now would we?
I had a different outfit in mind for Rose; a hoodie, jeans and pinkish t-shirt, but it's too damn hot for that. As it is way too hot to wear the blond wig. So...
In three minutes, Queen Victoria will tell me that you're 'naked'. We wouldn't want to make a liar out of the queen, now would we?
"But what do I do every day, mum? What do I do? Get up. catch the bus, go to work, come back home, eat chips and go to bed, is that it?!"
Friday, June 22, 2012
Companion Closetplay-Who wears short shorts?
I'm wearing the Planet of Fire outfit because New England has turned into a planet of fire. Besides, in that serial everyone was sort of stripping down. Even the Doctor gave up his coat and sweater and wore this flowered waistcoat. He even dropped that and ran around in his shirtsleeves halfway through the day. I only mention this because for some reason whenever the Doctor changes his clothing, especially into a non-standard outfit, that commands my full attention. I don't even know what happened in the Green Death, besides the fact that that moss-green frock coat made it's first appearance and he went through two different disguises. I think there was also probably an alien.
For sheer lack of clothing, I've got his tattoo exposed. I'm guessing it's going to transfer to my desk over the course of the day.
""The worst place in the universe--English public school!"-Vislor Turlough, Dr. Who "
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Companion Closetplay-Victoria Waterfield
This link does not show where she wore a dress like this, but rather the scene the quote is from.
The Doctor: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.
Victoria: Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit... , uh?
The Doctor: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Companion Closetplay day 12-Melanie Bush
You can't properly tell, but this shirt is striped with rainbows. Of course, it should be striped red and white but at least it matches my socks.
"There are times in our relationship that I feel an interpreter wouldn't come amiss."
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Companion Closetplay day 11- Ian Chester... err...
Chesterton! No, Chesterson! No, Chesterfield! Hm? I said it right the first time? Nonsense, my dear boy.
"Any hope is better than none!"
Monday, June 18, 2012
Companion Closetplay day 10- Peri Brown
"I may have a puny mind, but I have an amazing rack you don't need to be Albert Einstein to find the off switch!!"
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Companion Closetplay day 8-I AM LEELA, WARRIOR OF THE SEVATEEM!
It's kind of weird how you can't see my knife in this shot.
A day in the life of Kat: Sleep until noon, wake up and dress up as a Dr. Who character, spend about three minutes bouncing around declaring yourself "LEELA, WARRIOR OF THE TESH!" then find the latest article your cat has peed on and clean it up.
Summer does bad things to me.
For one thing, it made me forget that Leela was a Sevateem warrior, not a Tesh warrior until midway through the day.
A day in the life of Kat: Sleep until noon, wake up and dress up as a Dr. Who character, spend about three minutes bouncing around declaring yourself "LEELA, WARRIOR OF THE TESH!" then find the latest article your cat has peed on and clean it up.
Summer does bad things to me.
For one thing, it made me forget that Leela was a Sevateem warrior, not a Tesh warrior until midway through the day.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Companion Closetplay day 7- Jamie McCribbon
"Och, Doctor! Me leg!"
There are two things I need to say about Jamie. First, if you kept injuring your leg in every other episode, then maybe you should have gotten a longer kilt or stopped kicking everyone's asses.
Second, thank you for the fanservice. You set the bar high and you set the bar early.
"I think this is one of those instances when discretion is the better part of valor; Jamie has an idea."-The Doctor, Doctor Who
There are two things I need to say about Jamie. First, if you kept injuring your leg in every other episode, then maybe you should have gotten a longer kilt or stopped kicking everyone's asses.
Second, thank you for the fanservice. You set the bar high and you set the bar early.
"I think this is one of those instances when discretion is the better part of valor; Jamie has an idea."-The Doctor, Doctor Who
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Companion Closetplay day 4- Susan Foreman
I've actually owned this sweater for years, but I've never worn it for a full day because it reminded me of someone who was both irritating and looked like hell in horizontally striped sweaters. However, in going through my wardrobe for companion closetplay, I realised Susan wore a very similar sweater on the show.
"I can't do this problem without the other two dimensions..."
"I can't do this problem without the other two dimensions..."
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Companion Closetplay day 3- Jo Grant
Why the heck am I doing all the blondes first?
Shirt-Van Heusen
Shirt studs-Lolikats
Heels-Earth Shoe
Shirt-Van Heusen
Shirt studs-Lolikats
Heels-Earth Shoe
Monday, June 4, 2012
Companion closetplay day 2-Romana II
Hat- Actually, I ordered this from England as well.
Shirt- Lolikats
Flats-Faded Glory
Shirt- Lolikats
Flats-Faded Glory
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Companion Closetplay day 1- Ace
The shirt reads: "I am a bomb technition, if you see me running try to keep up"
Shirt-English street vendor
Skirt-Harvé Benard
Leggings- OP
"They couldn't understand how blowing up the art room was a creative act!"
Shirt-English street vendor
Skirt-Harvé Benard
Leggings- OP
"They couldn't understand how blowing up the art room was a creative act!"
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