Friday, June 22, 2012

Companion Closetplay-Who wears short shorts?

Vislor Turlough, the world's creepiest ginger kid. I'm not one for claiming gingers have no souls, or are of the devil, or anything like that; and in any case young girls of any coloration are creepier than young boys. But Turlough spent half his time talking to someone no one else could see plotting to kill the older man looking after him; and the other half tied up.

I'm wearing the Planet of Fire outfit because New England has turned into a planet of fire. Besides, in that serial everyone was sort of stripping down. Even the Doctor gave up his coat and sweater and wore this flowered waistcoat. He even dropped that and ran around in his shirtsleeves halfway through the day. I only mention this because for some reason whenever the Doctor changes his clothing, especially into a non-standard outfit, that commands my full attention. I don't even know what happened in the Green Death, besides the fact that that moss-green frock coat made it's first appearance and he went through two different disguises. I think there was also probably an alien.

For sheer lack of clothing, I've got his tattoo exposed. I'm guessing it's going to transfer to my desk over the course of the day.

""The worst place in the universe--English public school!"-Vislor Turlough, Dr. Who "

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