Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First post.

Alright. I'm sure I'll get the hang of this eventually.
Shirt- Old Glory
Jeans- "the Diva" Old Navy
Gloves- Off-brand, Hot Topic

I already feel like a tool. Something about knowing what brand made my clothing makes me uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure it's that and not the boning in the vest. It's actually pretty comfortable, all things considered. It fits more like a corset than a vest, but in order to be a corset, (in my opinion, at least) it needs to give support and you need to be able to wear it as an undergarment. The studs and buckles are not fitting under anything less than a jacket. This is a vest. I'm not sure I'd even call it a bodice.

Hey, I ranted about my clothing. Great. That's today's entry.
I am Kittywitch and I approve this outfit.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo, this outfit reminds me of the one worn by Padme in Star Wars Episode II when she and Anakin are sent to the gladiator ring; only yours is black and hers is white. I approve.

    In other news: I want a corset.
