Thursday, March 20, 2014

My cat's name is Perpugilliam Lethbrigde-Stuart

When I got a new cat, I decided I wanted to name it after a Doctor Who character; and my thoughts were Peri if it was a girl, Alistair if it was a boy, and Turlough if it was a ginger. Then Peri came and she was a girl with a moustache, so she became Perpugillam Lethbridge-Stewart. I never expected anyone but me to ever call her anything but "Peri", but she ended up responding to "Perpugilliam" more than "Peri" so that's what we call her.

Then she started sleeping in flowerpots and so naming her after a student of botany proved hilarious. I'm not saying Peri is a particularly bright cat, but she seems to have an excellent grasp of English. At least she knows "go over there" and "I'm not going to pick you up".
Here's a gif of Peri being Peri.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014