Saturday, December 6, 2014

In depth look at the construction of Adric's clothing.

I didn't use pattern for the jerkin and tunic. I was able to alter a jeans pattern for his pants, but what I had to do to get his tunic accurate was to base his clothing on dark ages garb (Saxon/Viking). This proved to be a rather roundabout way of doing it, because once I'd finished all of the differences between Adric's clothing and dark ages garb became apparent. I was going to put a cut here, but instead I think I'll just link to the page on my fashion blog, because that's where the photos are being hosted anyway.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Beauty Trends That Men Hate Day

I had an idea for a new holiday: Beauty Trends That Men Hate Day.
To celebrate, everyone who is interested wears something that either is on some list of "Beauty Trends That Men Hate" or they have been told "boys won't like you if you wear...". The purpose of this holiday is to raise awareness for the fact that women do not actually dress to attract mates, they dress however they dress because they personally like the way it looks.
I was thinking maybe the last Monday in November, so that it would always take place on a work day. Also, because it's cold in November, and half of the "beauty trends that men hate" involve large sweaters, scarves, leggings, large boots, cute hats, or anything else that exists to keep people warm rather than naked-shaped.

Please, share this holiday on any site you like, and if you choose to participate; feel free to post the outfit you wear that day. If you send me a photograph or a link to what you are wearing, I'll host it on this blog.
If you have a tumblr, then you can also reblog this post to raise awareness.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Solid Snake eyepatch Vs. Black Bulter eyepatch

I'm starting to wear makeup again, which might sound sad to the people who wear makeup because it's socially expected in their profession, but as someone who just likes painting on my face, it makes me very happy to have the energy to put into painting something that will be washed away in eight hours.

I've never been very good at applying false eyelashes, and the lack of depth perception isn't helping with that, but I'm enjoying the opportunity to practice. Plus, I don't have to get my eyeliner even when I'm wearing an eyepatch!

I don't normally like asymmetry in hairstyles, at least not my own, and I usually detest messy buns in semi-formal outfits, but I think that the way it echoes the overall asymmetry in wearing an eyepatch.
I think it's the pearl pins that really set it off.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Knave of Hearts eyepatch

Willow made me a velvet eyepatch.

I tried to dig out some of my black velvet clothes from high school but I seem to have gotten rid of most of them.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Today has been a long frustrating series of dealing with banks and doctors with a large ornamental petunia on my face.

I echoed the fullness of the pentunia with a lace cravat, tatted wristlets, and a petticoat under the Gunne Sax dress.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Now I'm matching my eyepatch to my outfits.

I've got to stop hurting myself. I got an infected tooth and somehow it spread to my face and now one eye won't blink. Nor will that side of the mouth open properly, which has made eating a trick.
At least I can rock an eyepatch, once I've sewn a giant petunia to it.

Hat and goggles- Tagless
Cravat- Lolikats
Blouse-No Boundries
Dress- Gunne Sax
Boots-Genna Group

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My cat's name is Perpugilliam Lethbrigde-Stuart

When I got a new cat, I decided I wanted to name it after a Doctor Who character; and my thoughts were Peri if it was a girl, Alistair if it was a boy, and Turlough if it was a ginger. Then Peri came and she was a girl with a moustache, so she became Perpugillam Lethbridge-Stewart. I never expected anyone but me to ever call her anything but "Peri", but she ended up responding to "Perpugilliam" more than "Peri" so that's what we call her.

Then she started sleeping in flowerpots and so naming her after a student of botany proved hilarious. I'm not saying Peri is a particularly bright cat, but she seems to have an excellent grasp of English. At least she knows "go over there" and "I'm not going to pick you up".
Here's a gif of Peri being Peri.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014