Sunday, October 28, 2012

Brace yourselves, winter is coming.

And it's getting cold!
That means I'm going to be dressing even more like the period in which my house was built than usual.

I am this close to putting on a sweater. I'm not even kidding. The vest is keeping my chest warm but my back feels exposed.

More to the point, there is a question I'd like to ask.
In several books on historical periods I read as a child, there was a section showing the layers that were worn in those periods and how the people got dressed.

Given that I live in a wood-heated eighteenth century house, I  tend to spend the winter dressing in the style of the time it was built. It's simply more practical than dressing like I do in the summer and surrounding myself with space heaters.

So I was thinking of maybe doing a photo essay on how I dress in the winter.

I've made a poll about it.

1 comment:

  1. Today, I was asked if I taught Sunday school. My pentacle is under my shirt, but it was still a bit of a surprise.
