Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don't sit on the sewing table.

Dress-Tagless, but a similar one can be found at Dharma
Cincer- Deb

I like this picture. I might use it as a new profile picture.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

By the way, I hate summer.


Goggles- Global Vision
Red Dress-Faded Glory
Black dress- Faded Glory
Suspenders- Hot Topic
Shirt- Maliey Max

Long Shorts-Faded Glory
I feel that I should explain what is going on in the center picture. Some days I forget to take the daily picture entirely, and some days I just happen to take one, not for the blog, but as a reference for a drawing. You will recall this terrifying expression. Perhaps in your nightmares.

Sunday, July 3, 2011