Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Reanimator go Briagh?

Goggles- Hot Topic
Shirt-Betty Rocker
Gloves- Dollar store
Shorts- Tripp
Shoes- Converse

I actually have owned these socks since Halloween and haven't found a good outfit to wear them in under today.
I've heard it argued, and in fact argued it myself, that a piece of clothing with green accents doesn't count as green. But I think you can waive that rule if you're wearing more than three pieces of clothing with green accents.
And if not, then the goggles have got to count as green. With black accents.

Now I'm going to go make green scrambled eggs.

1 comment:

  1. I've decided that from now on, when I go out; I will put the complements I got on my outfits that day in a comment on the original post.
    Today, I went to WalMart.
    One of the ladies who worked there said she loved my outfit and was envious because she had to wear a uniform and couldn't wear green today.
    Someone else said I was cute as I passed them.
    Another employee specifically complimented my socks.
